How to Prepare Your Home for Winter
If you live in the Northeast, you know what to expect in the coming months: storms, snow, and many chilly days. Luckily, you can do a variety of things to ensure your home stays warm and comfortable throughout the winter.
Keep reading for five simple steps you can take to ensure your home heating system is ready for the upcoming season:
1. Insulate Your Windows
Windows cause a significant amount of heat loss, which can drive up your heating bill and reduce the cozy atmosphere in your home. Therefore, it’s important to ensure your windows are properly insulated before temperatures drop.
You can insulate your windows easily using some basic materials found at any hardware store. We recommend utilizing v-seal weather stripping, rope caulk, and shrink film to keep heat inside where it belongs.
2. Trim Tree Branches Around Your Home
Heavy snow can cause limbs to break and even entire trees to fall, which poses a significant risk to your property. This is especially true if there are trees within a few feet of your home. Overhanging branches can also cause water to seep into cracks in your siding or roof, resulting in water and structural damage. To avoid these issues, trim any tree branches that are within three feet of your house. You should also check that nearby trees are healthy and not at risk of falling.
3. Check Your Roof
Once the snow falls, it can be hard to identify cracks, leaks, or other damaged areas on your roof. Before winter weather sets in, you should inspect your roof by walking around and keeping an eye out for the following issues:
- Cracked caulk
- Rust spots
- Broken or buckling shingles
- Cracked or worn rubber boots around vent pipes
- Areas with built-up lichen or moss
4. Clear Out Gutters and Spouts
Taking some time to ensure that your gutters and spouts are clear of leaves and twigs can help prevent damage to your home’s foundation. This will also stop ice dams from forming, which can lead to leaks in your basement if left untreated.
5. Set Up a Full-Service Heating Oil Plan
Sign up for a full-service heating plan from a reliable provider to make sure your home heating system runs smoothly throughout the winter. If you don’t have time to check your home’s heating oil levels frequently, you should also consider setting up automatic fuel oil delivery in Connecticut to avoid running out of heat on a cold night.
Working with a High-Quality Home Heating Oil Company in CT
One of the best things you can do to ensure your home stays cozy and warm throughout the coming winter is to choose a full-service heating oil plan from a reputable oil company. As the oldest full-service oil dealership in CT, Mohegan Oil has years of experience serving the New England community.
We know that no two homes are exactly alike, and that goes for heating systems too. That’s why Mohegan Oil offers full-service heating oil plans designed to accommodate your unique home heating needs. Each full-service oil contract in CT includes 24/7 emergency service, an annual tune-up, discounts on parts and labor, tank replacement stipends up to $1,000 for qualifying tanks, and tank replacement coupons up to $200 for disqualifying tanks.
Ready to Prep Your Home for Winter? Contact Mohegan Oil Today
Few things are worse than realizing your home heating system is malfunctioning during the middle of an unexpected snowstorm. That’s why preparing your home before the cold weather arrives is so important. If you’re ready to set up a full-service home heating plan with the most dependable and trusted oil dealership in Connecticut, visit our website or call Mohegan Oil Company today at (860) 536-4294.